Woah, so how about that Rona, y’all? February was doing the most and then March came and brought Rona with her and I’m like 2020, stappppp it already! To echo January’s tagline: This supposed to be our year.
I think some of the most important lessons learned thus far besides the value of always having a brolic supply of hand sanitizer, Lysol, and toilet paper, is that one, life can change in an instant so appreciate all that defines normalcy when you have it, and two when the storms of life come, keep your eyes fixed on The Storm Silencer, the one who spoke to tempest winds of the sea and it obeyed Him, Jesus Christ.
Now I know this pandemic has done more than canceled birthdays, weddings, and baby showers (I’ve had all three invites canceled in the span of days) but really and truthfully it has sobered nations. As a trained public health professional, having traveled to West Africa amidst crisis like the Ebola epidemic, (& no my momma did not want me to go y’all, and yes now I see why as a mother myself ) -I can understand the importance of remaining calm during times of crisis, testing, and the unfortunate but necessary “Social Distancing.”
Keeping your eyes fixed in faith gives you peace in the middle of the storm when the statistics are piling up, when the buses and trains get emptier, when our fav boozy brunch spot is closed down, when we worry and are ultimately told not to leave our homes. No matter what the rapidly changing CNN anchors says or what 45 says I know the unchanging Savior is unmovable and unshakably backing us, protecting us, and will deliver us.
Now I did experience moments of fear trying to creep up on me at the panic that was BJs when I did go and everyone was shopping like it was the apocalypse, but I've decided that the only fear that I will entertain will be reverential fear of the Father. Meaning: I’m gonna honor a God so big and powerful and mountain moving but yet a gentle calming presence that whispers within that it’s gonna be okay when the tears and fears threaten to disrupt our equilibrium. Now, I didn’t know this post would make this turn but I do challenge you all, during this time to spend some moments building your faith, reading your word, and connecting with other believers because their faith helps yours get stronger, even in uncertainties. And vice versa.
Your calm, your collected nature, your peace helps create environments of peace for others and that’s a powerful contagion!
Check on your friends and family, your aunty and granny, pray with them. Pray for them. Iron does sharpen iron!
After faith building, what’s really been helping me during this time is humor. As you all can tell I love a good gif and joke, and a great source of comedy for me is Instagram and even seeing the Tik Tok dance challenges as of late. If I link with my sister we are def gonna do one (T I know you reading this, wanna do a tik tok? 👀😳🤣) because I miss learning choreo. What I love about the challenges is that similar to faith, “watch this” (pastor voice) it UNITES us!
Think about it. Young and old, those with rhythm, and those still searching for it, those that are able-bodied and those who are in wheelchairs, Black, White, latinX, Asian and everyone in between can learn a 30-second dance routine, replicate it, and it bring roaring laughter and sheer joy. Watching those videos takes my mind off of the newsreels and demonstrates what’s right WITHIN MY CONTROL, my ability to just enjoy the moment. And after sharing it and laughing again, create more moments to enjoy.
What unites us is always stronger than what separates us and in times like these, coming together and supporting one another, sharing a laugh, some good news, wins, sharing your progress, and even just a “hey, how are you holding on?” can and will make a difference in someone’s day.
& imma just leave this one right here...
Y'all peeped that shimmy? Here 👏🏾for 👏🏾it👏🏾!!
Now as you saw by the title I added the Roman numeral one to this post because I do plan on checking in and sharing more related posts as I go through this pandemic with you all. We are in this together and If I can share one laugh along the way then Im certainly doing something right. Check in with you all again soon!
Latoya is a New York City based Millennial Mommy Blogger and Editor. She is the Founder and Chief Content Strategist of the Not So Glam-R-Us Millennial Mom(Me) blog and community. When she is not behind a moving pen or playing pretend with her preschooler, she is a full-time pivoting mastermind, with a sprinkle of side hustle, and dash of real estate enthusiast.